JKSSB Result 2021 Junior Assistant, Steno, Tabla Assistant Merit List
JKSSB Result 2021 Junior Assistant, Steno, Tabla Assistant Merit List
JKSSB Result 2021 Junior Assistant, Steno, Tabla Assistant Merit List can be checked online.
JKSSB result 2021 is to be released on official website
This year, all the candidates who had applied for this post and had given the exam, let us tell them that the complete information about their JKSSB Result 2021 is given in our article.
It will be told in our article that when and where your result is going to be released and how you can check it online, along with this you will also get complete information about cut off marks and merit lists in our article, so read it carefully till the end.
JKSSB Result 2021
Every year a large number of recruitment are released for the post of Junior Assistant, Junior Scale Steno and Tabla Assistant and this year also a lot of vacancies have been released, for which a lot of candidates from Jammu and Kashmir had applied and appeared in the examination.
The written examination for this post was conducted on 15th December 2020 and now the result of this examination will be released, which you can also get sitting at home.
The examination has been conducted by the Jammu & Kashmir Service Selection Board and as per the information the exam will be released in July 2021, but till now the clear information has not been released about it. In this post, you will be selected based on a written test only.
For more information about this, you can also check by visiting the online portal, the link of which will be made available to you in our article.
JKSSB Merit List & Cut Off Marks 2021
A merit list will be issued online shortly after the result, only those candidates who will be given to the merit list will be recruited for this post. No clear information has been released about the merit list yet when it will be released.
Hope that only those candidates who are eligible for this post are recruited for this post and clear information about it will be made available to you soon.
The cut off marks are also released by the organization and it would have been decided separately for all the categories, according to which the merit list is prepared.
Cut off marks for any post is prepared based on total vacancy, the total applicant, and the difficulty of the exam.
The cut off marks are release every year separately and by this, you can get an idea of how many marks you have to get for this post.