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JKSSB : Most Important Updates, extracted from Chairman Sir's Press Release

JKSSB : Most Important Updates, extracted from Chairman Sir's Press Release

JKSSB : Most Important Updates, extracted from Chairman Sir's Press Release

Most Important Updates, extracted from Chairman Sir's Press Release as mentioned below : 

1. All vacancies of VLW's to be filled Soon.
Expected 1500 posts.

2. Class iv second phase list will be integrated consisting all categories including Pwd.

3. Reason for pending list of Jr librarian and Librarian is qualification issue, will be resolved soon. Ssrb chairman

4. Selection for 1200 posts of Health & medical Education Department is ready from last 6 months.But stay from Honble CAT has gripped us.Health department is the main respondent, if they wish to clear it, Then we can succeed. Ssrb chairman

5. MVI posts are also under the stay of Honble CAT.

6. Litigations are actually against the Department not SSRB. if department defends with Zeal and enthusiasm, It would have make our work easier.
Ssrb officials.

7. We are planning for Combined Single examination.
Ssrb Chairman

8. 1000 selected FAA Aspirants came from 482 Centres. Don't heed rumours. Ssrb Chairman

9. Maximum FAA Aspirants who were selected are from the Centre Located at Kashmir UNIVERSITY.
(10 Candidates selected from that centre.)

10. Physical Test for JKP Si will be held in the month of May.
And we will try to release the selection list in the same month.ssrb chairman

11. Selection list for Jr Assistant will be released in the month Of May.

12. 1000 JE posts will be Advertised soon.

Via__(J&k Service Selection Board Aspirants/Telegram)

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