JKBOSE Shifting of Examination Centre of Class 12th Session Annual Regular 2023 Soft Zone
As per the request of Principal S.R.M.L HSS Parade, Jammu víde her office letter No:-SRML/HSS/J/99 Dated:-25-02- 2023and to avoid discomfort to the appearing students for class 12th Annual Regular 2023 soft zone, the Examination centre No:-360051 constituted at S.R.M.L HSS Parade, Jammu is hereby shifted to S.M Jain HSS Rani park, Jammu
Check Notification Here:
JKBOSE Shifting of Candidates from one centre to Another centre for Class 12th Annual Regular 2023 Soft Zone
In order to save the candidates from discomfort the below mentioned candidates for class 12th Annual Regular 2023 soft zone have been shifted from one centre to another centre as per the following details
JKBOSE Creation of new Examination Centres Class 12th Annual Regular 2023 Hard Zone
Sanction is hereby accorded for the creation of new Examination centres for the smooth and fair conduct of class 12th Examination Annual Regular 2023, falling under hard zone, the details of which are as under;
Notification Here: