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Meet siblings who cracked the UPSC Civil Services Exam together

Meet siblings who cracked the UPSC Civil Services Exam together

Know the story of these 4 sibling pairs who cracked the UPSC Civil Services exam together.

We read many UPSC success stories every day. We read about the different hurdles that every IAS, and IPS officer cross to crock the UPSC exam. Their dedication and their nonshivering will become examples to the next lot and many seek motivation from them. Today, we will meet four pair of siblings who cracked the UPSC CSE together. 

1. Simran and Srishti

Simran and Srishti are two sisters from Agra, UP. They both cracked the UPSC Civil Services exam in 2020. Simran is the elder sister and she secured an AIR 474 on her third attempt, while the younger sister, Srishti cracked the IAS exam in her first attempt with AIR 373. (Photo: Instagram)

Source: DNA

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