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RPHQ Srinagar Dedicates 'Open Air Gym' To Police Public School Bemina

RPHQ Srinagar Dedicates 'Open Air Gym' To Police Public School Bemina

Srinagar, Sept 22: DIG Central Kashmir Range Sujit Kumar in presence of Principal Police Public School Srinagar Snigdha Chauhan, inaugurated and dedicated an 'Open-Air-Gym' to the wards of police martyrs of the school.  

The gym has been constructed under the Civic Action Program (CAP) of J&K police. 

On the occasion, besides the teachers and students of the school, Aslam Chaudhary CO AP 13th battalion, Sajjad Khaliq SO to DIG CKR, Shah Jahan SDPO West were also present.

Many of the students showcased their enthusiasm by actively engaging in exercises using the newly installed gym equipment.

Speaking on the occasion, DIG Sujit Kumar said that martyrs and their families are our top priority and the department is constantly taking steps towards their improvement. 

He added that Martyrs will always remain close to our heart and it is a personal satisfaction to work for their betterment. 

The officer also expressed the hope that not only students but teachers can also benefit from this facility. 

He said J&K police have been earmarking a substantial amount of money for extending help to society under CAP and thanked the police department for their concerns towards police martyrs. 

At the end of the function refreshment was also served to the guests. (GNS)

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