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Government Forms High-Level Selection Committee for SKIMS Director Post

Government Forms High-Level Selection Committee for SKIMS Director Post: CS Dulloo Appointed as Chairman

In a significant development, the Jammu and Kashmir government has established a high-level selection committee, chaired by Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo, to oversee the appointment process for the Director of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) in Soura. This move underscores the government's commitment to ensuring a rigorous and transparent selection process for this crucial leadership position in the healthcare sector.

Formation of High-Level Selection Committee:

The Health and Medical Education Department has issued an official order outlining the composition and responsibilities of the high-level selection committee. According to the order, the committee is tasked with the preparation of a panel comprising three candidates, ranked in order of merit based on predefined selection criteria.

Key Members of the Committee:

1. Atal Dullo (Chief Secretary J&K) - Chairman

2. M. Srinivas (Director AIIMS New Delhi) - Member

3. Prof Dr Vivek Lal (Director PGIMER Chandigarh) - Member

4. Dr Achal Kumar Srivastava (Professor, Department of Neurology, AIIMS New Delhi) - Member

5. Syed Abid Rasheed (Secretary Health and Medical Education Department) - Member/Secretary

Recent Developments:

Following the retirement of former Director SKIMS, Dr Parvaiz Koul, on March 8, the responsibilities of the position were temporarily assumed by Syed Abid Rasheed, Secretary Health and Medical Education Department. This transition period underscores the need for expedited efforts in appointing a qualified and capable individual to lead SKIMS effectively.

Ongoing Recruitment Process:

The post of Director SKIMS was advertised last month, attracting applications from 29 candidates. While the government is yet to finalize the shortlist of candidates, the formation of the high-level selection committee signals progress towards the appointment of a deserving candidate who will steer SKIMS towards excellence in healthcare delivery and research.


The establishment of a high-level selection committee for the Director SKIMS post, along with the appointment of Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo as its chairman, reflects the government's commitment to upholding the highest standards of governance and accountability in the healthcare sector. As the recruitment process moves forward, stakeholders await the announcement of the selected candidate who will play a pivotal role in advancing the mission and vision of SKIMS.

[Source: Kashmir News Observer -KNO]

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